Secure, Durable, Beautiful Replacement Windows for your Home in Alexandria, VA

For the last replacement windows you’ll ever need to purchase for your home in Alexandria, VA, turn to SoftLite. Our vinyl replacement windows are precision-engineered for the finest combination of beauty, durability, energy efficiency, security and ease of maintenance you’ll find. We also offer a wide range of colors and styles that are certain to include something to suit your aesthetic taste.

Replacement Windows Alexandria VA

One of the most significant aspects of SoftLite replacement windows is that most of them are ENERGY STAR® qualified. That means they contribute to your Alexandria home’s ability to meet the EPA’s standards for conserving energy, while also potentially saving you money on monthly utility bills. They do this by providing the tightest frame and sash seal in the industry, ensuring that warm air remains inside during the winter and hot air stays outside during the summer. This reduction in air infiltration means your heating and cooling system won’t have to work as hard to maintain a constant interior temperature. Here are a few other available energy-saving features:

ENERGY STAR Partner SoftLite Windows & Doors
  • Double- or triple-paned glass with argon or krypton gas fill for improved insulation
  • Low-E glass coatings to help block UV rays
  • Vinyl frames that block heat and are precision-engineered for perfectly square and plumb sashes and frames every time
  • State-of-the-art triple weather stripping to block air
  • Polyurethane foam within the frames and sashes for added insulation

SoftLite replacement windows are made of vinyl, which means they won’t fade, buckle, warp, or deteriorate like wood windows are prone to do. They also won’t attract bugs like wood can, or rust like metal windows. In addition, SoftLite’s windows come with a limited lifetime warranty, which means these are the last windows you’ll ever need to buy for your home in Alexandria, VA. To learn more, or to schedule an evaluation of your home’s need for replacement windows, contact a SoftLite dealer serving Northern Virginia and Maryland.