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The Benefits of Energy-Efficient Windows

energy-efficient windows with trees outside

What makes energy-efficient windows efficient? There are a few different answers to this question, and Soft-Lite is here to enlighten you and provide you with the best energy-efficient windows in the industry!


To begin, energy-efficient windows offer highly-effective insulation and thus greater comfort that regular windows cannot offer. While non energy-efficient windows are simply built with metal framing for insulation, energy-efficient windows are designed with a polyurethane foam fill, which provides a tighter and less permeable seal. As a result of their increased insulation, energy-efficient windows prevent warm air from escaping the home in the winter and cool air from escaping in the summer. This increased insulation also eliminates outside drafts that often filter through older, non energy-efficient windows.

The increased insulation of energy-efficient windows doesn’t just offer comfort but cost-savings as well. Greater insulation prevents the home’s heating/cooling system from running constantly to compensate for fluctuating temperatures. This decreased energy consumption within the household then leads to cost-savings.

Low Maintenance

Along with comfort and cost, homeowners are beginning to prefer energy-efficient windows for their low-maintenance. Energy-efficient windows are designed with Low-E glass, which repels condensation. Reduced condensation leads to a lower risk of mold while the UV-resistant coating on the glass helps to eliminate water spots and exterior dirt build-up.

Low-E Glass

Soft-Lite manufactures its windows using Low-E glass, meaning that the glass allows less energy from the sun into the home. You’ll also hear about U-ratings when talking about Low-E. This can get pretty technical, but what you need to know is that Soft-Lite uses high-quality Low-E energy-efficient glass to improve insulation and save you money on your heating and cooling bills. If you’re interested in learning more about Low E, see this article from Efficient Windows Collaborative.

At Soft-Lite Windows, we have mastered the manufacturing process of energy-efficient windows. By utilizing Low-E glass, creating the tightest insulating seals, and offering a multitude of Energy Star-qualified window styles, we are able to create effective, cost-saving, comfort-enhancing energy-efficient windows.

If you’re interested in learning more about choosing the right window features for your home, download our FREE Soft-Lite Guide to Window Features by completing the form below.

Window Cleaning
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