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How SoftLite Windows Help with Sound Reduction

SoftLite employee working on window

We all know the importance of quality windows and the beauty and efficiency they provide, but one thing many people overlook is their potential to reduce sound. With the fast-paced world we live in today, sound pollution can be a real problem for many people, especially those living in bustling urban areas with unending traffic, construction noises, lawn equipment, chirping birds, and the like. Regardless of where you live, noisy environments require quality solutions that minimize disturbances and help you enjoy the peace and quiet of the indoors.

Unfortunately, one of the easiest ways for noise to enter a home or building is through its windows, which is why when it comes to manufacturing our SoftLite windows, we keep our customers’ needs in mind. With built-in features that help reduce external noises, our high-quality windows work overtime to deliver value in more ways than one. In fact, many of the same features that create our outstanding thermal efficiency also aid with noise reduction. From the high-performance glass we use to the small details you may not see; a lot more goes into building our windows than meets the eye – or ear.

1. Multiple Glass Panes

At SoftLite, our products offer double- or triple-pane glass. In addition to improving a home’s energy efficiency, this helps to reduce the amount of noise allowed indoors. Multiple glass panes are more effective at soundproofing and insulating as each pane of glass works as a barrier to absorb, reflect, or minimize external noises before they make their way into your home.

2. Space Between Glass Panes

To get the most soundproofing benefits out of products, optional argon or krypton gas fill provides an extra invisible layer that does even more to absorb sound. In between each pane of glass, one of these heavy, non-toxic gases are inserted. By filling the space between the glass panes with gas instead of air, SoftLite windows can better muffle exterior sounds – as well as improve thermal efficiency.

3. Tighter Seal

While window seals might not be noticeable or seem important, rest assured it they are an essential aspect of the building enclosure. Similar to air, heat, and debris, noise can find the tiniest opening and seep into a home. That’s where a tight, proper-fitting seal comes in. Our team manufactures our window seals and frames to work together to create a gap-free seal, ensuring homeowners hear as few unwanted noises as possible. Proper installation also plays a key role in ensuring an air-tight seal. Be sure to use a reputable dealer with experienced installers.

4. Laminated Glass

One main feature that contributes to sound reduction is the type of glass. At SoftLite, some of our products offer laminated glass for a few crucial reasons, one of them being its strength. Laminated glass features a bond between the glass and interlayer to absorb the force of accidental impact and, as a bonus, sound. ​​Using laminated glass has been proven to be an excellent barrier in reducing unwanted noise.

Decrease Sound in Your Home with SoftLite’s Windows

As you can see, making windows that help decrease sound doesn’t just happen overnight. Each feature is more important than the last, and together they make for a quiet, long-lasting window to satisfy any homeowner. From the glass panes we use to an air-tight seal, SoftLite’s windows make a difference in dampening noise in your home. Learn more about how new replacement windows can benefit your home by contacting a SoftLite dealer near you.

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