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Category: SoftLite Windows

Evan R

Evan R

We had the Pro Series windows installed and overall they’re great. They are very well sealed with insulation in the frame. The windows and hardware are all very high quality.

Troy L

Troy L

Replaced whole home, 25 windows in total. Incredible, absolutely incredible windows! Not only do they look aesthetically beautiful, but the performance is also off the charts! EASY to clean inside and out, and they block out the hot sun in the summer keeping the house cool inside. Living on corner of a city block with […]

The Benefits of Awning Windows

The Benefits of Awning Windows Awning windows installed in a home

Awning windows are popular options for a variety of rooms. They are stylish and can enhance your property’s aesthetic appeal. Plus, these windows can help you reduce your energy consumption, increase security, and more. At SoftLite, we are happy to introduce you to our awning window products and all they offer. Awning windows (and many […]